Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

morning mususme - one,two,three

japanese has alot of big girlband and morning musume is one of them. FYI the already exist since 1997, and if you say impossible because the member look so young, it is becau in japanese group/band there is custom when the time is come like a member want to chase solo career or old enough they graduate from the group.

back to the topics if i'm not mistaken there is two version of this song one is the normal one and this one is the dance version or other version. and the one that i used in my blog is the dance one, cause I like it better the the other one.

credit: musume official youtube channel

miura - ryosuke - natsu da yo honey!!

Miura ryosuke in this video is totaly looks like namie amuro somehow. well if you guys don't know this song is about summer time. and it is his debut singles, but in the entertainent industy he is not a new face. Since potrayed kmen rider 2 times one as tiger orponoch in kamenr rider decade faiz world,two as shingo izumi, also chousei kantai sazer-x.

and I'm totaly at losss sin he looks so different than this

credit: miura ryosuke

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

exile - all night long

Talking about exile I remember takahiro just win the poll as the most celebrites that you want to see in swimsuit. does this mean you guys want to see Takahiro In Bikini??

this song rocks especially the video. reminds me of rpg game maybe skyrim if you kow it. te story is like war or something where the member of exile fight againts alot of weak bad guys. kinda like sengoku baasara or dynasty warrior mix with rpg like skyrim since the member get specialization thing like knight, magician etc. by the way their armor is also cool, wish I have it in skyrim.. LOL.

Credit: Exile